Ear plugs
The Earjobs journey started back in 2005 when founder Cam went to one too many rock shows without proper hearing protection, only to find himself with ringing ears for days after. Since then Earjobs have become Australia's hearing protection experts. We've dealt first hand with more than our share of sleepless nights thanks to noisy neighbours, ringing ears after live music shows and the dangers of loud work environments. We know just how bloody important it is to protect your hearing while you can, as well as the best way to protect your ears so you can keep the good times rolling for years to come.

Come first
At Earjobs we pride ourselves on our deep knowledge of hearing protection, our customer first approach and our cheeky sense of humour. Regardless of whether you're after your first pair of foam ear plugs or you're a business looking to protect an entire team we'll make sure you get the right advice. So don't delay. Protect yourself (before you wreck yourself) with Earjobs!